2024 Swim Lessons – Session 1


Session 1 swimming lessons take place Saturdays only for 5 weeks between June 29-July 27, 2024. Click on the level and class time to select the class you’d like to register for. Please note this is a condensed session, meaning there are only 5 classes during this session. For more information on condensed vs. traditional swim sessions, please visit our website.

*Each level is offered multiple times a session. Please ensure you are selecting your preferred class start time*

Residents of Selkirk will receive a discounted rate on City operated programs. Discount will be applied only at checkout. 

Participant Information

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian information not required if participant is 18 years or old.

Please enter an emergency contact that can be called in the event of an emergency. Please include their name, relationship to camper and phone number. (Ex: Jane Doe, Grandmother, 204-111-1111). Note: Should be different than parent/guardian listed above.

Program Information

By clicking this you agree to the Program Registration Agreement and Policies. We require a parent or guardian to be present at the facility for all swimming lessons for children under the age of 12 years.

Where applicable, I/we agree to my child or myself to be photographed while participating in City of Selkirk programs for future advertising publications.


Session 1 swimming lessons take place Saturdays only for 5 weeks between June 29-July 27, 2024. Click on the level and class time to select the class you’d like to register for. Please note this is a condensed session, meaning there are only 5 classes during this session. For more information on condensed vs. traditional swim sessions, please visit our website.

*Each level is offered multiple times a session. Please ensure you are selecting your preferred class start time*

Residents of Selkirk will receive a discounted rate on City operated programs. Discount will be applied only at checkout. 


Additional information

Session 1: June 29-July 27, 2024

Parent & Tot – 12:05 pm, Swimmer 1 – 12:45 pm, Preschool Bubblers – 1:35 pm, Preschool Floaters – 2:15 pm, Swimmer 1 – 2:55 pm


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